Youth Programs

Our youth programs aim to inspire young people to celebrate their diversity, value their talents and empower them to develop new skills through mentoring support and learning.

Culture Talks

Current programs

The Staying in the Education Loop program supports newly arrived refugee and migrant young people to successfully complete their secondary schooling. This program was previously called The Inclusive Schools Program.

Our Financial Literacy program runs in schools for twelve weeks, and participants learn to make an educational podcast at the end for their peers to listen to.

The Adolescent Family Violence Cyber Bullying Prevention Project uses a holistic approach to enable children and their families in the Hume region to prevent cyberbullying and adolescent family violence.

Financial Wellbeing for Young Women is a six-month program to assist young women from newly arrived and recently settled migrant and refugee backgrounds to build knowledge and skills in managing money.

To find our more contact our community programs team